
Sep 25, 20201 min

It's No Illusion

Just in time for the Halloween season is Scary Monsters #118 - Ghastly Ghosts and Spooky Specters Issue!

Hop aboard your broomstick and get swept away to the land of imagi-movies where ghastly ghosts and spooky specters reside in film and on television! Enjoy monster memories and stories of the fantastic. Venture into the world of ghost hunters, paranormal legends, and real-life terrors. Discover motion pictures you haven't seen and re-discover those you've somehow forgotten. The Scary Monsters Ghastly Ghosts and Spooky Specters Issue is our 3rd Annual Halloween Scaretacular! With our candelabrum firmly in hand, we cast its flickering light on classic movies, legends, and "true" stories of hauntings, apparitions, and the supernatural. The tricks and treats wouldn't be complete without a jack-o'-lantern full of memories of Halloweens past. 144 fantastic foto-filled pages, and this issue features our first ever GLOW-IN-THE-DARK cover art by Scott Jackson.

Also in this issue is my spooktacular article on the 1960 William Castle classic 13 Ghosts. If you haven't seen the movie before, or it's been a while, do yourself a favor and watch this gimmick-laden classic horror movie from a master director. After you've recovered from ghost hunting, grab a copy of Scary Monsters #118, check out my article, and drop a line in the comments.
