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Quite literally, babblings about my gullible youth
and the impact silly little things have had on my life.

I have no exceptional claim to fame. I’m not a professor, a published author or a historian. I don’t have any impressive initials or title after my name … other than I’m a certified DDD, “Doctor of Denizens of the Deep.” At least according to the very official Sea-Monkey® diploma I purchased from the Transcience “Crustacean College of Sea-Monkey® Knowledge.” (I have proof.)

Growing up a child of the 60s and 70s in rural America, my pets, my toys and my imagination were my kingdom. Many decades later, that hasn’t changed. My pets, my toys and my imagination still rule my world. Sea-Monkeys® just happen to combine all three so they rank at the very top of my list for collecting and general recreational nonsense. They are my escape.

Feel free to ignore me or escape with me as we reminisce about our gullible youth — the good ole days.

Gullibly yours, — Gullible

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